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如何確保 LTE 及 5G 的汽車語音品質?
LTE / 5G
2024/6/6 Thu 10:00 - 11:00

完美的車內語音體驗是我們所期待的,但汽車製造商如何確保客戶在語音通話和 eCall 等應用程式中體驗到最佳的語音品質?解決之道是對晶片組、模組甚至於整車, 分別針對各種汽車語音場景進行精確測試,包括使用 HEAD Acoustics Rohde &Schwarz 所共同開發的模擬系統, 其能在實驗室中複製出行車條件下的聲音環境。邀請您加入本次的網路研討會,以了解如何進行全面且符合標準的測試以期優化 5G 4G 的語音品質。

本次研討會, 您將詳細瞭解:

  • 5G LTE 汽車語音產業鏈和實際的應用場景
  • 汽車 5G VoNR 的技術發展, 相關標準和規範介紹,如 P.11xx UN ECE R144
  • 整車和零組件的語音品質測試
Colm Mulligan
Colm Mulligan / Market Segment Manager ; Rohde & Schwarz
Colm Mulligan is a Market Segment Manager with Rohde & Schwarz Test and Measurement where his focus is on automotive connectivity for the Connected Car. Prior to joining Rohde & Schwarz, Colm worked in a variety of roles over 20 years in the semiconductor and smartphone industries at Intel, Infineon, Sony and Philips. During this time, he has gained experience in engineering, project/product management and business development roles. He holds a university degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.
Christian Hof
Christian Hof / Senior Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Christian Hof is Product Manager for mobile communication testers such as the R&S®CMX500 and the R&S®CMW500 at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany. He is an expert in mobile communications testing with a strong focus on IP application testing, including throughput testing, voice and video applications for 5G and LTE mobile or IoT devices.
Christian joined Rohde & Schwarz in December 2004 as product manager. During his career he was responsible for and accompanied the market launch of several R&S market-leading products and test solutions for example VoNR, WLAN Offloading, automotive eCall, C-V2X, AGNSS, or solutions for testing IP based services in general on smartphones.
Christian Hof holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Munich University of Applied Science.
Christian Schuering
Christian Schuering / Head of International Sales, HEAD acoustics
Christian Schüring graduated in communications engineering at the University of Excellence RWTH Aachen in 1999, with final thesis at the Institute of Acoustics. In the same year he started his professional career at HEAD acoustics. He initially worked as an account manager for the business development and opening up the region of Scandinavia and from April 2002 mainly for the region Asia. His tasks included the introduction of ACQUA from its beginning as well as the rollout of various other products and technologies in the field of speech and audio. He has been Head of Telecom Sales department since January 2013 and Head of International Sales department since May 2023.