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2022 台灣羅德史瓦茲《5G NR 一致性測試技術線上直播研討會》
Test User Meeting 2022



台灣羅德史瓦茲敬邀您參加在台灣舉行的2022 台灣羅德史瓦茲《5G NR 一致性測試技術線上直播研討會》,本研討會為邀請制,因疫情緣故將實體研討會改至線上直播研討會,雖然德國無線通訊專家無法抵台與您面對面交流,但德國專家們與台灣羅德史瓦茲團隊,仍透過線上直播提供專題演講。

期藉此機會,向您介紹最新的5G NR測試解決方案,包含3GPP標準演進概覽、一致性測試最新方案、OTA測試剖析與LBS測試。

13:00 - 13:05Welcome Speech - Frank Wong
13:05-13:45Standardization updates - Heinz Mellein & Michael Stork
13:45-14:15R&S®CMX500 5G signaling test - Mark Lin
14:15-14:55Conformance Testing (RF, RRM, PCT) - Harald Gsoedl & Mark Lin
15:30-15:55OTA test solutions - Pfeifer Günter
15:55-16:305G Carrier Acceptance Testing - Ahmed Kallel
16:30-17:00Location Based Services for 5G - Ewald Zelmer
17:00-17:10Questions and Answers
Heinz Mellein
Heinz Mellein / R&S Technology Manager
In 1990 Heinz Mellein joined Rohde & Schwarz in Munich, Germany and was involved in the standardisation (ETSI, 3GPP), design and development of test solutions for mobile communications incl. GSM, UMTS, LTE. He co-authored a comprehensive book on UMTS measurements and holds various patents in the area of mobile communication testing. Today his focus as a technology manager is on 5G and future developments in the field of cellular radio communication testing.
Michael Stock
Michael Stock / R&S Product Manager
Michael Stork is a product manager for RF conformance test systems and senior marketing expert at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany.He joined the mobile radio team in the sub division Systems and Projects of Rohde & Schwarz in 1999 and has a long experience in the product.He holds a degree in electrical engineering (Dipl.-Ing.) from the Werner Heisenberg University (nearby Munich) and started his career as engineer in 1994 with the first GSM 1800 network operator in Germany E-Plus Mobilfunk.
Mark Lin (林緯龍)
Mark Lin (林緯龍) / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan
Mr. Mark Lin joined Rohde & Schwarz in Taiwan in 2005 and served as a system support expert and certification system project manager. Currently serving as the product manager of wireless communication tester and certification system, focusing on 3GPP, GCF, PTCRB compliance certification solutions, OTA measurement solutions and network operator certification solutions. Also be responsible for the wireless communication tester and compliance certification system products local marketing promotion.
Harald Gsoedl
Harald Gsoedl / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Harald Gsoedl is Product Manager for Mobile Terminal Conformance Test, operating out of Singapore. His main responsibility if the RF/RRM/Protocol conformance test market in Greater China since 07/2016.
Harald joined Rohde & Schwarz in October 2005 as an Application Engineer. Subsequently he hold different positions as Product Manager, EXPAT and Manager Technical Sales within the test & measurement field.
He hold a degree in electrical engineering from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and an MBA in international management from the European School of Business (ESB) in Reutlingen.
Günter Pfeifer
Günter Pfeifer / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Günter Pfeifer is the product manager for OTA systems and chambers in R&S headquarters in Munich, Germany. After joining Rohde & Schwarz in 1997, he spent 18 years in the field of mobile communications as the product manager responsible for different Rohde & Schwarz radio communications testers.Günter holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, Germany.
Ahmed Kallel
Ahmed Kallel / R&S Product Manager
Ahmed Kallel is Product Manager for Mobile Terminal Carrier Acceptance Testing Solutions. He focus on network operator specific Protocol and Data Performance tests for mobile devices and is responsible for the APAC region.As Product manager responsible for the Asian region and in order to support more efficiently the customers and R&S local subsidiaries with the transition from 4G to 5G test solution, Ahmed moved to Singapore in 2019 as part of a temporary overseas assignment.
Ewald Zelmer
Ewald Zelmer / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Ewald Zelmer is the Product Manager for Mobile Radio Systems and Projects for test systems for RRM (Radio Recourse Management) and LBS test systems (Location Based Systems).Working 1 ½ years at Rohde & Schwarz International Operations for Central Asia for order completion for Div1, Div2, and Div8 projects for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Tukey.And currently working over 11 years for Div1 Mobile Radio Systems and Projects (1S) as product manager for RRM and LBS.
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