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2023 台灣羅德史瓦茲 5G NR 一致性測試技術研討會
2023 User meeting
美福飯店(台北市中山區樂群二路55號) 2樓至美廳 MAP

台灣羅德史瓦茲敬邀您參加即將在台北舉辦的《2023 台灣羅德史瓦茲 5G NR 一致性測試技術研討會,本研討會為邀請制


面對後疫情時代,通訊市場需求不斷變化,3GPPR16 強調產業垂直應用,到 R17 提出進一步相關的增強技術,期待推動5G進一步的佈建,並朝向 B5G6G 邁進。

藉此機會,R&S將向您介紹最新的 5G NR 測試解決方案,包含6G技術發展趨勢、3GPP標準演進現況、一致性測試最新方案、全球網路運營商測試要求、OTA測試剖析與LBS測試,現場亦會進行最新的產品實機展示。


2023年4月20日 09:30 – 09:40Welcome / opening
2023年4月20日 09:40 – 10:20R&S worldwide 6G Activities and Global Development Status - Lilei Wang Download
2023年4月20日 10:20 – 11:30R&S®CMX500 Signaling Test for 5G - Christian Hof / Stefan Diebenbusch Download
2023年4月20日 11:30 – 13:00Lunch
2023年4月20日 13:00 – 13:40Standardization and Certification Updates on 5G - Harald Gsoedl
2023年4月20日 13:40 – 14:25Conformance Testing (RF, RRM, PCT) for 5G - Harald Gsoedl / Mark Lin Download
2023年4月20日 14:25 – 14:55OTA Test Solutions for 5G - Günter Pfeifer Download
2023年4月20日 14:55 – 15:15Coffee Break
2023年4月20日 15:15 – 15:45Carrier Acceptance Testing for 5G - Cedric Koh
2023年4月20日 15:15 – 16:15Location Based Services for 5G - Ewald Zelmer Download
2023年4月20日 16:15 - 16:30Wrap-Up and End of Meeting
Lilei Wang
Lilei Wang / Technology Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Lilei Wang is Technology Manager and mainly responsible for 6G related business in Greater China, including standardization, cooperation with customer, innovation and so on. He is part of Technology Manager team in Munich and acts as a bridge between headquarter and China in terms of 6G technology management.
Lilei Wang joined Rohde & Schwarz in April 2022. He has more than 10-year experience on global standardization in different working groups (e.g., 3GPP RAN1, ETSI, O-RAN) and filed 100+ PCT patents on wireless, core network, O&M and AI, some of which have been proved to be standard essential.
He hold a doctorial degree on wireless communication from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2009.
Christian Hof
Christian Hof / Senior Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Christian Hof is Product Manager for mobile communication testers such as the R&S®CMX500 and the R&S®CMW500 at Rohde & Schwarz headquarters in Munich, Germany. He is an expert in mobile communications testing with a strong focus on IP application testing, including throughput testing, voice and video applications for 5G and LTE mobile or IoT devices.
Christian joined Rohde & Schwarz in December 2004 as product manager. During his career he was responsible for and accompanied the market launch of several R&S market-leading products and test solutions for example VoNR, WLAN Offloading, automotive eCall, C-V2X, AGNSS, or solutions for testing IP based services in general on smartphones.
Christian Hof holds a degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Munich University of Applied Science.
Stefan Diebenbusch
Stefan Diebenbusch / Director of Engineering, Rohde & Schwarz
Stefan Diebenbusch is a Director of Engineering for Mobile Radio Tester, operating from the Rohde & Schwarz headquarter in Munich, Germany. His main responsibility is the R&D lead of Application Test within the Mobile Radio Test division.
Stefan joined Rohde & Schwarz in March 2003 as a development engineer. During his career he was responsible to realize different products to verify for example VoNR, WLAN Offloading, automotive eCall, C-V2X, AGNSS, or IP based services in general on smartphones.
He holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt.
Harald Gsoedl
Harald Gsoedl / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Harald Gsoedl is Product Manager for Mobile Terminal Conformance Test, operating out of Singapore. His main responsibility if the RF/RRM/Protocol conformance test market in Greater China since 07/2016.
Harald joined Rohde & Schwarz in October 2005 as an Application Engineer. Subsequently he hold different positions as Product Manager, EXPAT and Manager Technical Sales within the test & measurement field.
He hold a degree in electrical engineering from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology and an MBA in international management from the European School of Business (ESB) in Reutlingen.
Mark Lin (林緯龍)
Mark Lin (林緯龍) / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan
Mr. Mark Lin joined Rohde & Schwarz in Taiwan in 2005 and served as a system support expert and certification system project manager. Currently serving as the product manager of wireless communication tester and certification system, focusing on 3GPP, GCF, PTCRB compliance certification solutions, OTA measurement solutions and network operator certification solutions. Also be responsible for the wireless communication tester and compliance certification system products local marketing promotion.
Günter Pfeifer
Günter Pfeifer / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Günter Pfeifer is the product manager for OTA systems and chambers in R&S headquarters in Munich, Germany. After joining Rohde & Schwarz in 1997, he spent 18 years in the field of mobile communications as the product manager responsible for different Rohde & Schwarz radio communications testers.Günter holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Applied Sciences in Kempten, Germany.
Cedric Koh ( 許國偉 )
Cedric Koh ( 許國偉 ) / System Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Singapore
Cedric is currently a system product manager with Rohde & Schwarz, specializing in the field of RF coverage, NETOP and conformance test systems.
Cedric is with Rohde and schwarz for 13 years and he leads a team of technical sales specialist who are involved in providing training, solutioning and consultation of coverage and conformance test system to numerous international test laboratories, telecommunication operators, government agencies and railway operators.
He currently holds a Honors Degree majoring in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, awarded by the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.
Ewald Zelmer
Ewald Zelmer / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Ewald Zelmer is the Product Manager for Mobile Radio Systems and Projects for test systems for RRM (Radio Recourse Management) and LBS test systems (Location Based Systems).Working 1 ½ years at Rohde & Schwarz International Operations for Central Asia for order completion for Div1, Div2, and Div8 projects for Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Tukey.And currently working over 11 years for Div1 Mobile Radio Systems and Projects (1S) as product manager for RRM and LBS.