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Step attenuator
R&S®RSC step attenuator
Switchable step attenuators up to 139 dB, 67 GHz
R&S®RSC step attenuator
●Base units 6 GHz (139 dB, steps 1 dB/0.1 dB), 18 GHz (115 dB, steps 5 dB)
●External attenuators controlled by base unit: 40 GHz, 67 GHz
●One RSC base unit controls up to 4 external 40 GHz/67 GHz attenuators
●Extremely high repeatibilityand outstanding accuracy of the base unit
●Frequency response correction and user calibration
R&S®RSCType Step Attenuator
Description Base unit without internal step attenuator
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 6 GHz
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 139 dB / 1 dB steps
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 6 GHz
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 139.9 dB / 0.1 dB steps
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range 0 dB to 115 dB
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 115 dB / 5 dB steps
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 6 GHz
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 139 dB / 1 dB steps
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 6 GHz
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 139.9 dB / 0.1 dB steps
R&S®RSCType Step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 18 GHz
Connector type N(f) at front panel
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 115 dB / 5 dB steps
R&S®RSC-Z405Type External step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 40 GHz
Connector type 2.92 mm (f)
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 75 dB / 5 dB steps
Description Does not include theR&S®RSC-Z41 or R&S®RSC-Z42 control cable
R&S®RSC-Z675Type External step attenuator
Frequency range DC to 40 GHz
Connector type 1.85 mm (f)
Attenuation/Resolution 0 dB to 75 dB / 5 dB steps
Description Does not include theR&S®RSC-Z41 67or R&S®RSC-Z42 control cable
R&S®RSC-Z41Type Control cable
Description For connecting an external step attenuator to the R&S®RSC
R&S®RSC-Z42Type Control cable
Description For connecting an external step attenuator to a PC