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R&S TechTuTor - Power Electronics 系列線上研討會
R&S TechTuTor - Power Electronics

乘著全球電動車需求的熱潮,廣受討論的第三代半導體碳化矽(SiC),以更快速的開關獲得更高的效率、更小的外型尺寸獲得更高的功率密度;產品上市前,透過 EMI 除錯,降低成本及增加電源設計的可靠性,進一步討論雙脈衝量測方法如何協助寬能隙半導體的設計及驗證。

本系列研討會亦針對 SMPS 中的回饋原理、 電源設計中的控制迴路、於線性時考量增益及相位等議題探討,並了解如何選擇注入點,與電力電子應用中,如何選擇高壓差分探棒的關鍵特性?佈線和連接器對功率測量的影響為何?同時電壓探棒的優缺點,也將一併概述。

關於 EMI 除錯及故障排除,我們將提供以頻譜分析儀及示波器進行 EMI 除錯的要訣,同時由於而電源完整性於電力電子中至關重要,此系列課程將協助使用者了解如何使用影響準確性的示波器,及選用低雜訊及電源軌探棒的小技巧。


2023/10/31 10:00-11:00碳化矽之再設計 Download
2023/11/07 10:00-11:00如何驗證控制迴路穩定性的提示和技巧? Download
2023/11/14 10:00-10:30如何以差分探棒進行精確高壓測量的提示和技巧? Download
2023/11/21 10:00-11:00EMI 規範之前期測試及除錯 Download
2023/11/28 10:00-10:45電源完整性量測 Download
2023/11/30 10:00-11:30以 Double Pulse Tester 協助寬能隙半導體於電源轉換器功率級的設計及驗證—Part I Download
2023/12/07 10:00-11:30以 Double Pulse Tester 協助寬能隙半導體於電源轉換器功率級的設計及驗證—Part II Download
Dr. Huang Mingxi ( 黃明熙 博士 )
Dr. Huang Mingxi ( 黃明熙 博士 ) / 國立臺北科技大學 電機工程系教授
Marcus Sonst
Marcus Sonst / Rohde & Schwarz Application Development Engineer
Marcus holds a master degree in electrical engineering with focus on power / energy from the University of Applied Sciences in Dortmund (Germany).

He has more than 20 years of experience with development, design, and test of power supplies and electronic ballasts.

Today he is application development engineer at Rohde & Schwarz and responsible for power management and power electronics test with focus on time domain measurements.
Joel Woodward
Joel Woodward / Oscilloscope Product Planner, Rohde & Schwarz
Currently engaged in strategic product planning for Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes, Joel has over 30 years of experience in test and measurement. Joel holds a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Brigham Young University, an MBA from Regis University, has completed coursework at the Harvard Business School, and holds an FPGA debug patent. His outside interests include digital photography and hiking in national parks.
Cam Pham
Cam Pham / Global Automotive FAE Leader, Cree / Wolfspeed
Cam Pham is a passionate power electronics engineer, joined Cree in 2015 as industrial power FAE and now leads the global automotive FAE team of Cree - Wolfspeed Power. He holds an electronic technician's degree, B.Sc. in electronics engineering and M.Sc. in power electronics and drives. With 15+ years of experience and a practical mindset, he is eager to help customers overcome their technical challenges, and EMI/EMC is just one of the many topics of discussion.
Tom Neville
Tom Neville / Technology Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Tom graduated from Portland State University with a degree in Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) and a BS degree from the United States Military Academy. His primary work focus for the past 12 years has been measurement considerations for power applications.
Andreas Ibl
Andreas Ibl / System Development Engineer, Microwave Imaging
Andreas Ibl is a systems development engineer for Microwave Imaging products at Rohde & Schwarz, having previously worked as a product manager responsible for oscilloscopes, specializing in power integrity and multi-domain analysis. Andreas has a master's degree in engineering management from the University of Applied Sciences in Landshut and has international experience working in the USA and China.
Matt Maxwell
Matt Maxwell / Product Manager, Rohde & Schwarz
Matt Maxwell is a Product Manager for Rohde & Schwarz for Spectrum and Signal Analyzers. He has worked in the test and measurement field for more than 19 years in for RF test equipment. His experience includes work around numerous RF applications such as EMI, aerospace and defense, and wireless technologies. Matt served as a submarine officer in the US Navy and received a degree in electrical engineering.