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2024 全方位車用電子技術研討會
2024 AUt
2024/4/17 (Wen.) 10:00 AM - 16:20 PM
南港展覽館一館五樓 505B+C 會議室 MAP

電動車與自駕車生態系急遽拓展,汽車應用發展日新月異,2024年台灣羅德史瓦茲攜手亞洲重量級專業展覽2024年台北國際車用電子展,邀集台灣與國際業界與學界專家,帶來電動車 eco-system 包含台灣 E-Bus 產業趨勢發展,Auto Keyless、電動車電能技術、車用雷達天線測試要點、車用電力電子產品設計/評估,從有線到無線,電力到通訊等尖端技術。

只要是車用電子、車用部門相關,及深耕汽車供應鏈的工程師,皆可透過本次研討會,瞭解如何克服工作上面對的各式挑戰,同時獲得最新汽車領域及智慧、自駕、電動車輛發展資訊 全面洞悉電動載具與運輸新趨勢與技術!

2024/4/17 10:00-10:30Opening
2024/4/17 10:30-11:15Model T Electric Bus Market Development Sharing - Michael Kuo Download
2024/4/17 11:15-11:50Modern Vehicle Application : the Digital Key - Ching-I Chang Download
2024/4/17 11:50-13:00Lunch
2024/4/17 13:00-13:35Power Electronics in EV Applications - Darwin Tsai
2024/4/17 13:35-14:10New Technology EMC Measurement on Advance Vehicle - Edmund Yen Download
2024/4/17 14:10-14:45OTA Measurement and Analysis for 4D Imaging Radar - kelvin Chiu Download
2024/4/17 14:45-15:00Break
2024/4/17 15:00-15:35eDriveTrain – Traction Inverter Testing - Jithu Abraham
2024/4/17 15:35-16:10Smart eCockpit & In-Vehicle Safety Solution -Carl Chien Download
2024/4/17 16:10-16:20Lucky Draw
Michael Kuo
Michael Kuo / Special Assistant, Foxtron Vehicle Technologies Co., Ltd.
Master of National Taipei University of Technology in Vehicle Engineering

Professional Experience
Special Assistant of Foxtron Vehicle Technologies Co., Ltd.
VLE of Hua Chung Automobile Information Technical Center Co., Ltd
Ching-I Chang (張靜怡)
Ching-I Chang (張靜怡) / Vice President, DEKRA SE
Ching-I Chang現任DEKRA SE 德凱集團全球業務管理副總,具20年以上TIC資歷,主要負責集團內科技跨域創新/新創專案,統籌先進檢測驗證技術從資源整合至落地企劃之雙高任務(高複雜、高難度)。現階段除積極參與智慧車聯網(C-V2X) 、自動駕駛與開放路測資料等實務開發專案之外,更積極參與業內協會 (如: Wi-Fi、藍牙、CCC),特別關注產業標準定制、ADAS/ Data Collection、與資安防護等重大議題與相對應之落地經驗。 近年具代表性專案包括:無人航空載具資安驗測與認證、AIoT設備檢測驗證計畫、智慧家居驗證標準、E-Mobility推動等。

Ching-I Chang currently serves as the Vice President of Global Business Management at DEKRA SE. With over 20 years of experience in Testing, Inspection, and Certification (TIC), he is primarily responsible for driving cross-disciplinary innovation and spearheading new ventures within the group. Ching-I coordinates the integration of advanced testing and verification technologies into comprehensive business plans, tackling tasks of both high complexity and difficulty.

At present, Ching-I is actively involved in practical development projects such as Smart Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) communication, autonomous driving initiatives, and leveraging open road test data. Furthermore, he actively engages with industry associations including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and CCC, with a particular focus on shaping industry standards, advancing ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) and Data Collection technologies, and implementing robust cybersecurity measures.
Darwin Tsai
Darwin Tsai / Director, Actron Technology
Hsin-Chang Tsai received the Power Mechanical Engineering Bachelor & Ph.D degree from National Tsing Hua University in 1997 & 2003. He joined Delta Electronics as researcher of corporate R&D center and majored in MEMS & GaN device development for 10 years. Since 2017, he joined Actron Technology and charged in automotive power module development included MOSFET, IGBT and SiC power device. Till now, he succeeded in automotive power module development and domestic production in Taiwan.
嚴可為 ( Edmund Yen )
嚴可為 ( Edmund Yen ) / Technical Manager, Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan
Edmund Yen joined Rohde & Schwarz Taiwan in 2003. He mainly focused on DTV Broadcasting Support in the T&M industry and TV Operator field for over 10 years. He is also a certified regional trainer from the HQ Learning Center and can offer customized training to external and internal staff. Currently, Edmund mainly focuses on EMC Business and Project support, including Medical, Military, Automotive, and Commercial sectors. Additionally, he works as a technical consultant to support Channel Partner Business.
Dr. Kelvin Chiu ( 邱宗文 博士 )
Dr. Kelvin Chiu ( 邱宗文 博士 ) / General Manager, BWant
Jithu Abraham
Jithu Abraham / Product Manager, Oscilloscopes and Probes, Rohde & Schwarz
Jithu Abraham works for Rohde & Schwarz as a product manager for the UK, Ireland and the Benelux region, specializing in oscilloscopes. He enjoys all aspects of high-speed digital, wireless communication, efficient power conversion and all the challenges they bring. Jithu holds an engineering degree in electronics and communication from the Anna University in India and a master’s degree in RF systems from the University of Southampton. He has been working for Rohde & Schwarz for over 12 years.
Carl Chien
Carl Chien / Sr. Manager, MPU Applications, NXP
簡志達(Carl Chien)現任恩智浦半導體(NXP)應用工程部資深經理,在半導體產業擁有超過20年的經驗。著重領域以NXP應用處理器(MPU)為主,負責包含i.MX, Layerscape, S32G等系列在台灣的技術支持工作,同時帶入周邊方案設計,如:PMIC, Wi-Fi/BT, NFC, Radar, Radio, I/O extender等….所涵蓋的應用領域相當廣泛:汽車、消費電子、工業自動化、物聯網、人工智慧與機器學習等。

在加入恩智浦之前,簡志達曾服務過SigmaTel, Freescale等公司。NXP提供整合度高、安全可靠、可擴展的完整方案,同時搭配至少10年(消費電子)及15年(工業/汽車電子)產品長期供貨計畫以及完整的第三方軟體和工具生態鏈,協助客戶產品可以即時上市、主導市場。